
10th May 2024


National: 94.3%. Our Target: 95%

Our whole school attendance this week:

Infant School: 93% Junior School: 96%

Our School Winners are  5S (97%) and 2O (96%)!

Well done to the children and parents in these classes!

Dear Parents/Carers,

On Monday, the Infant hymn practice was truly uplifting and the children enjoyed learning new hymns as well as singing some of their favourites like 'Ave Maria.' We are learning hymns in readiness for our Marian Procession which will take place on Friday 24th May (details to follow).

Some of our Junior classes took part in the Southwark Rosary on Tuesday an special event organised by Archbishop John. To mark the special month of our Mother Mary. Schools from across the Diocese joined together via zoom to pray the Rosary. The was truly an uplifting event and we are pleased that our children got to participate. I pray that our Mother Mary to continues to guide, bless and protect you all throughout this month and always.

Next week our Y6 children will sit their SATs examinations. Mrs Winters and Mrs Phillips led the Parent Meeting on Thursday and shared information about SATs week at St. Joseph's.  Thanks to all the parents who attended. It was great to see so many of you show up in support and the questions you asked showed how committed you are in ensuring your child has the best possible education.  We love working in partnership with your for the betterment of your child. We are already proud of all our children and know that they will all do their best, which is all we could every ask for.  They have asked that I join them for breakfast next week, so I will not be on the gate in the mornings Monday-Thursday next week. 

Some of you have enquired about your children receiving music lessons in school or as an afterschool club. Myself and Miss Arthur have been contacting various companies about this. We will be having meetings to discuss the possibility of this for next academic year and will update you as soon as we know.

I hope you and your family have a great weekend,

Mrs Ashley and The St. Joseph's Team


The Zones of Regulation can be used by everyone!

As our Year 6 students are getting ready for their SATS, managing emotions becomes even more important. Using the Zones of Regulation; a framework designed to help children to recognise and regulate their emotions can help. The image shows the colour coded zones and linked emotions.

Here are some ideas to support your child during their SATS:

Early Years

We were very excited to have had some new visitors. We had chicks! It was an amazing opportunity to see them hatch into chicks and we took very good care of them. We received the eggs in an incubator on a Monday. They hatched into chicks on Wednesday and Thursday. We saw  rapid growth and change.  We needed to be  responsible and learn how to care for the chicks, what they need and how we can make sure they are safe, happy and healthy. 

We made them chopped banana and apple, made a run for them and held them very gently and carefully. We changed their bedding and spoke to them, read stories and sang to them. They went back to the  farm and we will miss them but have really  enjoyed having them and we have learnt so much and we appreciate God’s wonderful world  and the miracle of life.

Key Stage 1

Key Stage 1 embraced the warmer weather this week and took their learning outside. Year 2 have been writing a story based on Little Red Reading Hood by Lucy Rowland. As part of their learning, they made reading dens around the school and collected different word types to describe a forest. 

In Year 1, they headed outside on an exploration of superlatives linking to their book Grandad's Island by Benji Davis. Emnet (Year 1) said "I love learning outside. It helps me remember the story." Maggie and Sofia (Year 2) said "When we were in the forest, we used our senses to gather ideas and vocabulary. It made it much easier to describe the forest because we had experienced it."

Key Stage 2

This week in KS2 we have enjoyed the sunshine and have started clearing out the garden. The pupils have enjoyed extra PE lessons from the specialist Sports Coaches, and Year 4 have had fun learning how to play cricket.

Year 6 have been preparing for their SATs which take place next week. We are proud of all them and know they will do their best!

Key Dates

Thursday 16th May - Year 6 SATS: Monday 13th May

Monday 13th May-  Year 2 Library Trip

Friday 17th May- Year 4 Trip to Chislehurst Caves

Saturday 18th May - Umbrella Trust Netball and Football Tournament

Friday 24th May - Marian Procession on the field (Crowning Mary with flowers)

End of Term- 24th May

Monday 3rd June - Early Reading Parent Workshop YR, Y1 & Y2 (9.15 - 9.45am)

Wednesday 5th June - PGL/RSE meetings for Y6 parents (9.15am and 5.30pm)

Wednesday, 19th June -Reception visit to Virgo (afternoon) 

Friday 5th July Sports Day

Saturday 6th July- Colour Run

Monday 8th - Wednesday 10th July - PGL for Y6

Friday 12th  July- Reception Trip to Norwood Park 

Friday 12th July - Y6 Thames River Cruise

Wednesday 17th July - End of year leavers mass at Virgo (2pm)

Thursday 18th July - Y6 performance for parents (9.30am 6pm)

Friday 19th July- Y6 Leavers Celebration

Monday 22nd July - Y6 Mass in the Junior Hall

Tuesday 23rd July End of Term 2pm