
5th July 2024


National: Our Target: 95%

Our whole school attendance this week: 94.19%

Infant School: 93 % 

Junior School: 95%

Our School Winners are 1S (98%) and 3S (100)!

Well done to the children and parents in these classes!

Dear Parents/Carers,

The children have been working hard completing their end of year assessments. We use these to capture their learning and progress and inform us of the next steps for your child's learning. The KS1 children also competed the SATs tests. They focused really hard and did a great job- well done everyone. You will receive information about your child's attainment in their end of year reports.

Science got off to a great start as the children participated in a fantastic interactive workshop. Throughout the week they have been carrying out investigations and developing their understanding of the world. Throughout the Federation children did a spaghetti investigation. I am looking forward to hearing about what they learned. Thanks to Mrs Steen-Plomer and all the teachers for all their hard work, raising the profile of STEM and bring learning to life for the children.

This week children across the Juniors have been participating in the Croydon Schools Athletics Competition. Many of our children got through to the final of the Croydon Schools Athletics which is after school today! We are so proud of all our our children who took part and wish our finalists the best of luck. If you want to go after school to cheer them on, it's at Croydon Sports Arena!

In Preparation for the 2025 'Pilgrims of Hope' Jubilee, Pope Francis has designated 2024 as the Year of Prayer. This year we have created an overview of prayers for each phase that the children should know and say. We will be making this accessible to parents too. We have also been adding in reflection and meditation time to strengthen our prayer culture.

As you know we actively seek your feedback and partnership in making your child's educational journey the best it can be. 

We would be grateful if you could take the time to complete our Parent/Carers voice survey. 

We hope you and your families enjoy a weekend in the sunshine,

Mrs Ashley and The St. Joseph's Team


Checking your child feels safe home alone

As your child gets older, talk to them about how they feel about being left home alone. If they're worried, work out what parts of being home alone worry them. Do they feel safe in the neighbourhood? Are they afraid of the dark?

Talk about anything that’s bothering them and discuss a solution. Understanding why they don’t feel comfortable will give you an idea of how to help – or why they might not be ready to be left alone.

We would always recommend leaving a child younger than 12 years old with family, a friend or in childcare. Read our advice about this below.


Outside rules 

Setting clear boundaries will help you and your child know how they should behave when you’re not around. It’s a good idea to agree on some house or outside rules that suit their maturity before you leave them alone. You could even write up an agreed list. 

House rules 

Ask yourself questions like: • Who can they have over, if anyone? • What devices or online apps, games and sites can they use? And who is it ok to talk to online? • How long can they spend on them? • What can they do in the kitchen? • Where in the house can they go? • Who can they tell that they’ll be home alone? • Can they leave the house?

Outside rules 

Ask yourself questions like: • How far from home can they go? • How long can they stay out? • Who can they go out with or meet? • When is their agreed home time? • What activities are ok for them to do? 

Trial runs 

If you think they might be ready, but still aren’t sure, why not do a trial run? 

Trialling staying home 

Go out for a few minutes and see how they cope. Then gradually build up the length of time you leave them alone for. Trialling going out, let them take the lead when you’re out together. Only correct them if they do something that puts them at risk. 


Building trust 

Give your child a chance to build their independence by building your trust. If they keep to rules and boundaries you set, you’ll feel more confdent letting them do more on their own. So, why not turn these checklist items into chances for them to be rewarded? A scale they can climb to reach even more independence. 

Something like: Building trust at home • Has my child answered our ‘what ifs’ well? Trial them spending time alone for a short period. • Have they spent the agreed amount of time alone ok? Increase the time they’re allowed to spend alone. • Have they kept to our house rules? Give them more freedom by tweaking one of the rules. Building trust outside • Has my child passed their trial run? Let them spend time alone for real next. • Have they kept to our outside rules? Give them more freedom by tweaking one of the rules. • Have they kept to the agreed home time? Make their home time a bit later 

Making sure they’re happy too Just as you need to be sure, so do they. If your child is worried about the prospect of being alone, talk this through with them. Asking them these questions is a good place to start: • Is there anything that worries you about being left alone? Example prompts could be: • Being left alone for longer than agreed • Not being able to get in touch with you • Someone coming to the door • There being an emergency • Why is it making you worried? • What would help you feel less worried? • Is there anything else you'd like to talk about?

Early Years

In RE we talked about baptism, what happens during a baptism and learned that it is a way of becoming friends with Jesus and part of  God's family. We role played baptising our dolls by making the sign of the cross, blessing with holy oil and welcoming them into the church family. 

Key Stage 1

This week, 2O shined brightly at their class assembly, showcasing their incredible learning journey. The students acted out special moments, bringing their experiences to life for us all to enjoy. Sports Day was another highlight, filled with teamwork and kindness, making it a memorable event for everyone. We are continuing to learn to tell the time in 5-minute intervals, further enhancing our skills.  A huge congratulations to the children for winning the Young Writers poetry competition – your creativity and effort have made us all very proud! 

Lower Key Stage 2

This week in year 3 we have been continuing to enjoy our music lessons, learning to play different melodies on the ukulele. We have also enjoyed English where we have started a new book focus on the incredible book eating boy! On Tuesday, we were glad to attend the first Holy Communion Mass that celebrated all of those who had made this sacrament, congratulations to all of you. As well as this, we thoroughly enjoyed sports day, it was so much fun and as one of the members of class 3S said: " it doesn't matter who wins, as long as you have fun." A true testament to the caring and wonderful nature of the children at our school. We may be tired as we approach the end of year, but we will still try our very best before we move on to our next year of education. 

Upper Key Stage 2

Year 5 were very lucky to be given the opportunity to watch cricket at The Oval this week. It was an action packed game and after having had cricket coaching earlier in the term, the children were thrilled to see a game in progress at such a prestigious venue. It was inspiring and prompted much discussion about the rules of the game. Dark clouds were overhead and we were worried that we might be rained off, but it remained dry for the time we were there. 

The whole school also celebrated their love of sports this week with the annual School Games Day. It was a fantastic event and the children thoroughly enjoyed themselves. It was so uplifting to see their enthusiasm and encouragement of each other as they competed in all of the races. A lovely day was had by all. A big thank you to Mr Abrahams, the Year 6 leaders and the past pupils from Bishop Thomas Grant for coming to support us.

Curriculum Focus


Sports Day: A Triumph Over the Weather!

Despite the weather's attempts to dampen our spirits, Sports Day turned out to be an amazing day filled with excitement and joy. The children demonstrated incredible determination and sportsmanship, making the event truly memorable.

The day was a great joy for everyone involved. Laughter and cheers filled the air as students participated in various events, showcasing their talents and enthusiasm. The sense of camaraderie and friendly competition made it a special occasion that will be cherished by all.

A huge thank you to all the teachers for their efforts in ensuring the smooth running of both the Infants and Junior events. Special thanks to the Year 6 Sports Leaders for their invaluable help with the Infants and to the BTG student helpers for their support during the Junior event. We are also grateful for the unwavering support of the parents and carers, whose encouragement made a big difference.

A big congratulations to St Sebastian (Blue Team) for their outstanding performance, winning both the Infants and Junior events and emerging as the overall winners.

Well done to everyone involved!



Infant Catholic Sports Day: A Shining Example of Our School Spirit

A huge well done to all the children involved in the Infant Catholic Sports Day. They all performed brilliantly, showcasing their skills and sportsmanship in every event. Each child's enthusiasm and effort were evident as they gave their best, making us all proud. Their hard work and dedication truly shone through, reflecting the values and spirit of our school. I would like to make a special shout out to Harper and King in Year 1, who came third in their Year 1 individual 'Hurdles' event. 

Thank you to the parents for their support and for ensuring the children made it to the event, especially on a polling day. Your dedication is greatly appreciated.

Special thanks to Mrs. Ritzi and Madame Luri for their invaluable support on the day. Additionally, a big thank you to Hallee, Marcos and Gabriel from the Juniors, who were a tremendous help throughout the event.

Well done to everyone for making the day a great success!

Happy Birthday!

Everyone at St. Joseph's wishes you the happiest of birthdays.

       Nursery: Ceon, Kidus and Rhema      Yr 2: Sarai, Demari and Ashira Rose     Yr 4: Rubio, Davina and Bentley 

                                                                            Yr 6: Josiah

                                                                          Staff: MsArthur


Come and join us for our annual Colour Run!

Save 50% on you first swimming lesson!

Key Dates

Saturday 6th July- Colour Run

Monday 8th - Wednesday 10th July - PGL for Y6

Tuesday 9th  July - West End in Schools Workshops

Wednesday 10th July- West End in Schools Workshops. 

Friday 12th  July- Reception Trip to Norwood Park 

Friday 12th July - Y6 Thames River Cruise

Tuesday 16th July- Reception Class Assembly 9.15am 

Wednesday 17th July - End of Year Thanksgiving Mass at Virgo Fidelis (2pm) Family and Friends of the school welcome

Thursday 18th July - Y6 performance for parents (9.30am 6pm)

Friday 19th July- Y6 Leavers Celebration (After school)

Friday 19th July - Year 2 Celebration Assembly

Friday 19th July- Transition Morning (N-Y5)

Friday 19th July-  End of year class parties pm

Monday 22nd July - Y6 Mass in the Junior Hall, 5.30pm

Tuesday 23rd July End of Term 2pm

We hope you and your family have a wonderful weekend

The St. Joseph's Team