Treaty of Waitangi

We aim to keep our bilcultural commitment to the centre and front of our teaching and learning at St Joseph's.

In 2022-3 we have contracted Nola Tipa from Moeraki to work with us on cultural responsiveness.

In 2019 we had two visits to our local marae at Moeraki where our students began to learn about our local Maori heritage.  They learnt that no matter where they come from Moeraki marae is their place of belonging here in North Otago.  

We returned in 2021 as part of our inquiry learning into how people in our area have curated the past and we were given very informative information about how the tangata o te rohe have maintained their taongas.   This was part of our half year history inquiry "By examining the past we can determine the future."  We are reassured that our local marae is willing and able to help us in the journey towards our school rebuild and to ensure our bicultural nature is embedded in this development.

Here are some of the ways we naturally incorporate te ao Maori into our every day school life:


Supportive interactions with parents

Sports teams

School liaison

Layers of leadership

Community of learning

Singing cup

Students promoted to speak first language

Tongan club and Filipino class promote first languages and wider culture

Parish freezer

Special needs provision

Extension groups

Holistic - physical, emotional ,spiritual and mental wellbeing.

Parish/school liaison, parish links - supportive of one another

Special character, religious education

Wellbeing team

Open door 

Visible learning wall displays, learning progressions, website, emails, newsblog, class and student blogs.

Student council

Mindfulness practice

Cultural groups

Reading recovery

Activator sports, sporting initiatives for all children

Safe and nurturing environment

Keeping ourselves safe and DARE programmes.


Children making decisions about their learning e.g. inquiry

Student voice

Parent voice - including ELL parents

Goal setting meetings with parent input

Listening, reflective responses

Children encouraged to use first language where appropriate in discussion

Peer writing

Collaborative learning happens naturally and is also planned for

Student led cultural groups

Passion projects

Whanau groups

Student council

Board of trustees - self review focused on learning

21st century skills

Maori club

Cultural language week celebrations


Key competencies


Science vision 

Respectful relationships

Interdependent at all levels with all parties

Involvement of parents in school activities.

Mahi Tahi

CHinese, Tonga, Filipino parent meetings and representation through board cultural committeet

Student council

Close liaison between teachers especially in hubs

Support staff day

Multicultural day

Maori club

Children work together collaboratively within and between classes

Collaborative staff

Focus on staff TEAMS not individuals - we are all responsible for all of the students

Tongang club

Close liaison between staff


Goal setting meetings

Mandarin lessons

Year 8 leaders

Filipino class

Learning huis

Collaborative meetings - staff meetings, wellbeing meetings, senior leadership, syndicate meetings.

Board of Trustees support.

Diocese RE and pd support

Sports teams

Home and School

Induction meetings

Sacramental program

Educational pathways - community of learning


Hub relationships are like family 

Teams for all aspects of school life

Multicultural day and food fair

Parent help

Tongan and Filipino classes and parent involvement

Multicultural meetings

Strong relationship with parish - prayer partners, sacramental celebrations, ministeries - greeters, altar servers, readings etc on the weekend,

Multicultural meetings

Community of Learning

Dominican Choir

Kapahaka - Hui Ako celebrations

Pasifika performance group.

Teacher/child - good relationships are key to learning

Early Childhood Buddies


Visual presence of other cultures in the school.

Community Service e.g. Young Vinnies


Inclusiveness and cross cultural relationships and interdependence in the various school groups.