
Students will develop competence and logical and problem-solving thinking skills in numeracy and algebra as the cornerstone of this learning area as well as competence in the strand areas of Geometry and Measurement, and Statistics. They will master basic facts and develop flexible strategies in order to mathematically interpret, investigate and evaluate solutions to mathematical problems. They will be able to use mathematical language and strategies to address real-world problems through creating models, predicting outcomes, finding patterns, reasonably estimating and calculating accurately.

Maths is timetabled 4-5 times a week.

Next Steps based on outcomes of self review in 2020

  • Continue to:- use a growth mindset; make learning purposeful, visible and fun; use numeracy strategies integrated into strand maths; pre- load vocabulary and unpack open problems using multi-level groupings

  • Provide systematic maths hands on or calculation tools throughout the school so that children can access maths without being held back by basic facts knowledge. This will even some of the playing field and reduce the loss of confidence in some children who can do maths but can’t remember facts.

  • Help children find strategies that work for them and use them systematically to access the whole of maths.

  • Ensure that teachers don’t rely on standardised testing to make judgements about student progress.

  • Develop maths learning communities with multi-level groupings. Investigate Best Evidence Synthesis for what works in maths and also Jo Boaler’s work in equitable maths classrooms.

  • Continue to promote visible learning and preload vocabulary.

  • Engage in culture-building professional development to develop a culture of professional openness and a sense of ownership of all of the children by all of the staff. Develop practice analysis conversations between staff members.

  • More agreed direction with the COL. This has been sorted for 2020. In 2019 it led to people pulling in different directions.

  • Our ongoing inquiries need to be shared inquiries about the students in our teams rather than individual teachers with their individual classes which leads to siloed practices.

  • Continue to focus on authentic maths contexts.

  • We have begun an inquiry into using specific and consistent material supports in maths. Use this to make maths more accessible to all children including those who have difficulty remembering basic facts, or explaining strategy. Don’t let these aspects hold back strand maths.

Teacher's Maths Progression. Our maths judgements and next steps are made against this progression. We have various student self-tracking options in our Maths curriculum folder.

Student Strand Math and Numeracy Profiles

Teacher's Maths Progression