Learning to Learn

(visible learning)

Learning to Learn

As part of developing the skill to be Lifelong and Empowered learners our learners need to become familiar with their own learning journey.

They will be specifically taught how to manage their own learning progressions and provide evidence of learning.


Reading Year 1-4,

Reading Year 4-8,

Further unpacking for seniors: Information Literacy Cycle

Further unpacking for seniors: Reading Research Progression

Writing Progression for Teachers

Students' simplified versions - or teachers can adapt the teacher's progression in any way that suits their students

Maths Progressions

Maths Strands Students - or teachers can adapt the teacher's progression in any way that suits their students

Science Capabilities Rubric with exemplars

Planning for lifelong empowered learners in the core subject areas

  1. Teacher planning includes learning intentions that come from the teacher learning progressions for maths, writing or reading. Students will also have access to these overall learning progressions. The background planning includes formative assessment notes, groupings, plans for learning needs, monitored students, different learning styles and for extension. This aspect of planning is not publicly shared. Teachers may choose how they format and represent these plans. They will be accessible to the syndicate leader and principal.

Plans for other curriculum areas should directly relate to curriculum achievement objectives and can be in any format that suits the teacher.

All plans should show direct links between overall objectives, learning intentions, differentiation, learning activities and intended outcomes. Formative and summative assessment notes also need to be collated.

The stated learning intention should match an outcome on the student’s own rubric so that the students can identify them for themselves. Teaching needs to go into explaining how they relate and what sort of evidence the student can show as success.

As SOLO describes a natural learning process it needs to be unpacked with the children and ideally success criteria will be co-constructed.

Learning Progressions