UPDATES for 2024

For the 2024-2025 year, we will have CONFIRMATION PREPARATION PROGRAMS FOR ALL OF OUR 8th, 9th and 10th GRADERS, and all students enrolled in these programs will be scheduled to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation in the spring of 2025.  Our 10th graders will complete their preparation process by finishing our Dynamic Catholic Decision Point curriculum. For our 8th and 9th graders, we are building a robust curriculum for their year of preparation. Our 8th and 9th grade Catholic School students will follow the same one-year preparation process as all other students.   Our 10th grade Catholic School students will participate in the final year of our Dynamic Catholic 2-year Confirmation Preparation program, as usual. Please know that we will work with your 8th, 9th or 10th grade child to make sure they are adequately prepared for the sacrament; if this model doesn’t work for them please be sure to reach out so we can discuss the best path forward for your student. 

We are REVITALIZING OUR MIDDLE SCHOOL PROGRAM (6th and 7th grade) to include more content and classes to provide a strong foundation for these students in advance of their sacrament preparation year in 8th grade. The expanded curriculum for grades 6 and 7 will be closely integrated with the new Confirmation Preparation curriculum for grade 8. As a result, the 6th Grade “Summer Blast” program will no longer be offered as its limited scope is not compatible with the new timeline of the reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation in 8th grade.

New this summer - A “SACRAMENT SUMMER BLAST” program for rising 2nd graders to enhance their preparation for the sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Communion. The program will be especially helpful for those students who did not complete a 1st grade program but will be preparing to receive the sacraments in the upcoming year.  It will also be great for students who missed a number of 1st grade classes, or who could just use a refresher on the content. The program will reinforce the elements of our 1st grade program and provide a strong foundation for sacrament preparation. (Please note that this is an additional, supplemental offering and does not replace our 1st or 2nd grade programs.)