How to use these lessons:

We want you to feel free to teach your child about these topics in whatever way makes the most sense for you and your child. You have total freedom on how you would like to cover the topic.

We also know that while some folks will take a topic and happily run with it, some others might need a bit more structure and direction. That is also totally fine!

The ideas and sample lesson plan on the following pages are meant to give you ideas and resources to help you teach this topic. Use all, some or none of them!

Thank you for your willingness to share your time and faith to teach your child about God’s great love for us. Our goal is to help make this a positive experience that will bring you and your child closer to Christ.

We currently have four (4) lessons available for each grade.  We will continue working over the next few months to create a total of seven (7) lessons for each grade.

If you have any questions or need any additional resources please feel free to contact Marybeth.