St. John: May 4th at 9:00 am

Rehearsal: Friday, May 3rd 4:00 - 5:00 pm

St. Paul: May 11th at 9:00 am

Rehearsal: Friday, May 10th 4:00 - 5:00 pm

The First Communion celebration is designed to support the faith, comfort and confidence of your child while also promoting a valued sense of shared community.  One ceremony is scheduled at St. John and one is scheduled at St. Paul.  

Each year there are numerous requests for reconsideration of a family’s Mass assignment due to individual concerns.  With a wish to be both sensitive to the issues surrounding these requests yet also fair to one and all, the protocol for reconsideration is as follows:

A request to be moved to a different ceremony must be submitted via email to by February 28th.

 Children sit with their families in a pew, which is determined by lottery at a later date. A family moving between Masses will not be eligible for this lottery, but will be allotted a subsequent pew after lottery seating is assigned.

●  Families will be notified by March 15 via email if their request has been granted. 

If, for some reason, your child is unable to attend any of the scheduled ceremonies please alert the Religious Education Office.  Arrangements will be made AFTER the scheduled ceremonies and scheduling will depend on how many children are affected and the availability of our priests.

Each ceremony will last approximately 60-75 minutes.


Arrival:  First Communicants should arrive, at the Chapel on the lower level of the church at St. John and at the front of the church at St. Paul, by 8:40 am on Saturday.


Suggested Dress code:  

Girls:  white dress, white shoes, headpiece (flowers, ribbon, veil), please no gloves or purses

Boys:  sport jacket, dress pants, white/light colored dress shirt, tie, dress shoes


Seating:  Children will be sitting with their families at the end of their pew, assigned by lottery prior to rehearsal.  The pew will be reserved for your family and will be identified by your family banner.  A seating directory will be in the gathering area at the rehearsals and at each ceremony.  There will be additional seating beyond the last assigned pew.  Most pews sit 6 - 8 people.  Families with relatives in our program should notify Christina at so that we can arrange for pew assignments adjacent to each other.


Pictures:  To maintain the solemnity of the Mass, please be aware that pictures may only be taken during the procession and recession.  No pictures or video cameras are allowed during the Liturgy.  A photographer will take a picture when your child receives Communion and at the end of the ceremony for a group picture.  


Procession: The children will gather in the Chapel at St. John or the front of St. Paul a before the ceremony.  They will process in as a group.  You may take pictures at this time. The children will process to the front of the Church, line up on the steps of the altar and join in the opening hymn.  They will then join you in the family pew for the Liturgy, so please be sure to keep a seat open for them at the end of the pew. 


Communion: At Communion time, the First Communicants will receive the Sacrament before family and friends.   The Sacrament will only be offered in host form at the First Communion ceremony.  A professional photographer will take individual pictures as each child receives First Holy Communion.  The children will then sit in the choir section that will be reserved for them.  They will sing while the congregation receives Communion.  After Communion, they will line up on the steps of the altar for a song and a group photo. 


Recession:  Following the picture, the children will recess out.  You may take pictures at this time.  The children will recess down to the Chapel where you will pick them up.  Please take your child's banner and prayer book home with you as a memento.


Student Participation:  Families will receive an email regarding participation in the ceremony as a reader or gift bearer, please reply to the email with your child's name and role preference.  We will pick names out of a hat and communicate roles prior to the week of rehearsals.


Families: If parents or family members are Eucharistic Ministers or Altar Servers and would like to serve at Mass, or if older siblings would like to distribute programs, please let us know.

To access the livestream feed on the day of First Communion please go to the St. John St. Paul Collaborative website (click here for the direct link) and click on the livestream for the appropriate church.  To view the recording after the ceremony you can go to our YouTube channel or click here to find our "Previously Recorded Liturgies".