All students entering our Religious Education program are required to provide proof of Baptism, preferably a copy of their Baptismal Certificate, if they were not baptized at St. John, St. Paul or St. James.  Please click on the icon below to upload your Baptismal Certificate.

We feel strongly that a student's Religious Education experience must include a familiarity with Sunday Mass.  For this reason we expect regular Mass attendance as part of our program.  When attending Mass at the Collaborative students will bring their attendance card and use the hole punch in the Religious Ed Mass Attendance area (click here to see the St. Paul area, click here to see the St. John area) to punch the card. (A hole punch will be available upstairs at St. John for the Family Mass).  You can submit completed cards by dropping them in the collection box on the third floor outside of Christina's office, in the box in the Mass Attendance area of each church, scanning them in and uploading them here or emailing it to Christina at  If you attend Mass but forget to punch your card and/or need to report attendance at an outside parish or watching Mass online please use the Mass Attendance Report Form. Please click the link below to access the form. 

Our Sacrament 1 students participate in the Christmas Pageant held at the Family Mass on a Sunday before Christmas (the exact date will always be reflected on the Religious Ed calendar) and it will rotate between St. John and St. Paul churches depending on the date.  There are no speaking roles but there are primary roles that are chosen by lottery.  Any student interested in a primary role must attend the Saturday rehearsal.  An invitation to sign up for a role will go out in early December and roles will be chosen about a week before the Pageant.  Costumes are provided for all participants. Click below for more details.