Digital Stories

Bridget Grow - My Trip to Thailand

Sponsor: Mr. Leonard

I created this project in IBook Author. Its a book about a trip to Thailand. It goes over historical and cultural landmarks that give you a real taste of Thailand. The assinment was to create a trip to the country of your choice and take the people reading along with you. It took me a lot of hardwork. We starded the research in Febuary and I normally spent 6 hours each week working on it from then. So the amount of time I spent on it all together for four months, would range around 96 hours. I tryed to put as much information about this amazing country as I could. This was my first time using IBook Author and it was really fun to try somthing new.

Sponsor: Mr. Brown

This is a presentation made on iBooks Author about Romania. The assignment was to create a travel guide like presentation using Ibooks Author or We Video. I spent a total of 8 weeks on the project.

Jason Shi - Guide to China

(in iBook version, must download to view)

Sponsor: Mr. Brown

This was my 6th grade country project, and I used iBooks Author to create it. I spent approximately 10-12 hours on this project.

(Link to screencast version)

(in iBook version, must download to view)

Sponsor: Mr. Brown

I created my project through iBook Author. I did research on Hungary, and planned a trip as a travel agent. I used items-collection and iBook author to keep all of my important key information in the same place. The assignment was to create a 5 day trip to the country of your choosing and then find other fun facts or history about the country. My country was Hungary or My Mother Land. I did research on the country and the country's history through time. I also found the culture of the country. I found the foods that the country was most known for and I find the dress code. I also found out about my great-great grandfather. I spent a month on this project and worked on it for about 1 hour a day. I hope you enjoy my project and I hope you have an amazing day! :).

(Link to screencast version)

Payton Cline - Brazil Country Project

(in iBook version, must download to view)

Sponsor: Mrs. Wiesemes

We were able to select a country and research its People, Culture, History and Tradition. We presented our findings by planning a 5 day trip highlighting 3 cities and significant landmarks. I used an iBooks Author for my final project. I spent around 60 hours working on this project. This is also my first time using iBooks Author.

(Link to screencast version)