HS Digital Stories

Avery Burnette – There Isn't One Definition

Sponsor: Mrs. Culver

This mini-documentary goes in conjunction with our research paper for Honors 11 English. I researched western beauty standards. One of the most interesting things I found was that our brains pick out people who meet the population mean in their beauty. This means that for survival our brains all have the same type, at least historically. The strongest, most attractive humans are attractive to everyone because our brains evolved this way for survival. However, today we don't have to pick our partners based on physical attributes for survival. Thus more people find people who don't meet the population mean beautiful and attractive and want to be with them. In this video, I am discussing that part of my research. I interviewed many students on what they thought was beautiful because there isn't just one definition. I also found a beauty blogger who travels the world and takes pictures of many different types of women to show that everyone is beautiful. To finish my video I showcase all of those different women reminding that we have more than one ideal of beauty (sometimes our western standards give us tunnel vision and only find one type of person beautiful). This video probably took me twenty hours to make. I made a survey for my research that also fed into my video, giving quotes. I interviewed other students. I found many pictures of women to showcase all types of beauty. I also found a video that I modeled part of my video on by giving a question first then having many interviews answer it. I then added music and put together everything in Imovie. I hope you enjoy my video and it reminds you that you are beautiful. Embrace it.

Anna Gaishin – Driver's Ed

Sponsor: Mrs. Klusendorf

I began with a script and then brainstormed ideas for images to supplement what I was saying. I decided to draw my images, took pictures of them, and used WeVideo to create the video. I used free music in the background.

Chloe Russell – Surface Deep

Sponsor: Mrs. Klusendorf

I created this project in iMovie. I strung together videos from camp and my personal life while trying to emphasize the difference between the two. The assignment was to make a digital story of myself that I can share with the class. I spent around 18 hours filming and editing this video. The music in the background was previously owned by myself and the photos from camp are public access. All of the photos/videos (except some of the camp ones) were taken by me.

Sylvia Park – A Silent Idea

Sponsor: Ms. Greissinger

This is my 10th grade digital story. The assignment was to write a narrative with a visual component. All the pictures in the film are taken or drawn by me. Writing the narrative took about two weeks and filming/ editing the video took about six hours.