HS Architecture

Isobel (Zoe) Downey – The Miranda House

Sponsor: Mr. Vroegop

This is a house I designed in approximately two months to design. We were assigned to design and construct in Revit a 2,000 square foot house. I spent 60 hours designing and building. When I was assigned this project, I immediately knew I wanted to create a house inspired by local architecture. I researched American colonial architecture, and drew inspiration from the houses of my friends and family. However, American colonial architecture was beautiful on the outside, but not very open concept, which is something more and more families are looking for in a home. So, I took the two ideas and blended them together to create the Miranda House. Enjoy!

Sponsor: Mr. Culver

My project is a video showcasing my digital coffee shop I created in the 3D program, Blender. I designed and built the interior and exterior from the ground up. I then did the lighting and animated it to create a video about it. I have been working on this project for months. I first created the building as a one-off project for my Art 5 class, but turning it in, I kept adding details and improving it. I then learned how to animate in Blender and refined my art. I have spent around 25-40 hours working on the project. I want the judges to know that my project is more about showcasing the art rather than creating a cool video. Also, I was not sure what category fit best, so I chose architectural drawings because I feel the focus point of my project is the building.