Grades 3-5 Finalists


1st: Julia Grossman (Mr. Persenaire) How to Add, Simplify and Find Common Denominators For Fractions

2nd: Izadora Scopel Pacheco (Mrs. Lear) Technology Can Connect People

3rd: Torey Robbins + Corinne Martindale + Landen Borre + Bryant Jennings + Lacey Konopka (Mrs. Hassenger) Mission Lego

3rd: Maren Smits (Mrs. Goniwiecha) I Don't Get It!


1st: Kevin Svetlev (Ms. Ziel) Portal Ball Unlimited

2nd: Patrick Pham + Albert Pham (Mrs. Lear) Python Coding

3rd: Owen Wingate (Mrs. Bins) Beating King Bob

Digital Photography/Poster

1st: Catalina Gonzalez Santa Cruz (Mrs. Schermerhorn) Life in Colonial Times

2nd: Brianna Goodloe (Mr. Robertson) Flowers

3rd: Emily Biggins (Mrs. Schermerhorn) Life of a Slave

3rd: Eric Walsworth (Mrs. Briney-Kelm) The Boston Massacre

Digital Stories

1st: Nora Clements (Mr. Persenaire) Remote Learning vs. School Learning

2nd: Carson Wiersbe (Mr. Beemer) Choose Your Own adventure: Football

2nd: Olo Sormin (Mr. Beemer) The Dungeon Choose Your Own Adventure

3rd: Lauren Sanders (Mrs. Knuth) Gymnastics

3rd: Mac Mulligan (Mr. Beemer) Choose Your Own Adventure

Drawings/Architecture/Digital Art

1st: Charlotte Roche and Zoey Metz (Mr. Beemer) Minecraft St. Joseph Lighthouse

2nd: Evan Lokey (Mrs. Hassenger) School Activities in Minecraft

3rd: Mitchell Wright And Hunter Althouse (Mr. Beemer) Hoover Dam


1st: Zoe Hume (Mrs. Abbott) Elephant Toothpaste


1st: Divyang Verma (Mrs. Nimtz) Sonatina


1st: Mattie Dwan & Camila Teixeira (Mrs. Jarvie) Arches National Park

2nd: Mrs. Jarvie's 4th Grade Class ABC's of COVID-19

3rd: Ava Sims (Mrs. Jarvie) Rocky Mountains National Park


1st: Divyang Verma (Mrs. Nimtz) THINK S.P.A.R.K.

2nd: Maile Lafayette + Olivia Keuning (Mrs. Jarvie) Smokey Mt. National Park

3rd: Katelen Hoecherl + Kaitlyn Schuette (Mr. Robertson) Greek Gods

3rd: Naviyah Hureskin (Mr. Robertson) African American Leaders

What I Love About SJPS

1st: Marley Walters (Mrs. Lokey) Thank You

2nd: Eric Walsworth (Mrs. Briney-Kelm) Why I love Lincoln School

3rd: Charlie DeVore (Mrs. Nowicki) What I love about SJPS