About Us

St. Dorothy Catholic School

St. Dorothy Parochial School opened its doors under the direction of the Benedictine Sisters in 1960. The original school building contained five classrooms, grades three through seven.

In 1962, an eighth grade was added and in 1965 a second grade was added. The first grade was added in 1973 and St. Dorothy School became an elementary school of eight grades.

With the completion of the Parish Center in August of 1987, the administration moved into the new building. This allowed for the renovation of the old office area into a learning center/computer lab and additional student restrooms.

Two new classrooms were built in 1987. A Kindergarten and an After School Day Care Program were also added. The Anyta Doyle Building, a multi-purpose facility, was built in 1993 to accommodate the expansion of the Before/After School Day Care Program. Attached to the Anyta Doyle Building is a sheltered lunch facility, which can also accommodate outside assemblies.

In the 2015-16 school year, a TK was added. The next year our TK room was fully renovated to give our littlest students the best learning environment.

Who was St. Dorothy?

According to her apochryphal tradition, St. Dorothy was a resident of Caesarea, Cappadocia. When she refused to sacrifice to the gods during Emperor Diocletian's persecution of the Christians, St. Dorothy was tortured by the governor and ordered executed. On the way to the place of execution, she met a young lawyer, Theophilus, who mockingly asked her to send him fruits from "the garden" she had joyously announced she would soon be in. When she knelt for her execution, she prayed, and an angel with a basket of three roses and three apples appeared. She sent these to Theophilus, telling him she would meet him in the garden. Theophilus was converted to Christianity and later was martyred. The feast day of St. Dorothy is celebrated on February 6th.