Salesforce Assessment, Health Check & Remediation


The Salesforce Assessment, Health Check and Remediation service is designed to let you know if your Salesforce implementation is evolving in alignment with business and Salesforce platform capabilities.

How to Request Service

Contact your IT Director or Agency IT Portfolio Manager or submit a ticket in the Customer Service Portal below.

Customer Benefits

Meet Customer Needs

Optimizes Salesforce to meet ever-changing customer needs

Regular Updates

Updates current Salesforce platforms to mirror latest industry changes

Health Checks

Health checks for your Salesforce platform

Service Description

Adaptable assessment of agency Salesforce ecosystem to ensure alignment with business needs

The advance health assessment services focuses on challenges with your implementation requiring frequent troubleshooting with process or data issues. This health assessment service can be tailored to meet your needs depending on the problem area you want to attack first. 

Basic (two days): Surface-level assessment of risk, performance and adoption

The basic health assessment focuses on surface-level assessment of risk, performance and adoption. A certified Salesforce consultant will run the Salesforce Health Check tool to compare your organization’s security and system configuration with Salesforce’s standard baseline. We will also identify risks with reaching system limits and create reports to measure user adoption.

Standard (two weeks): Detailed review of all customizations to determine the amount of technical debt

The standard health assessment service focuses on your implementation and compares it with industry best practices. We will start with a checklist to compare your system setup with Salesforce’s best practices in the following areas:

Advanced (three or more weeks)

Modernization opportunities and data quality improvements in addition to a detailed review of all customizations

Related Services

Customers can mix and match Salesforce capabilities to meet business needs - capabilities are not individually priced. See service costs for more information. Salesforce Platform Services are required before any of the other services or platform capabilities can be utilized.

Customer Responsibilities

The project to remediate all uncovered issues and/or areas for optimization are out of scope for this service offering. 

Service Owner

Ryan Thune

Senior Manager - Business Applications 

Service Levels

Service Support

How to Get Help

Hours of Support

Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m, excluding holidays

24/7 Major Incident Management

Service Costs

Search the Real-time Billing rate sheet for the latest rates for financial code 2906-1 and 2906-2

View detail on current utilization here: OIT Common Policy Real-time Billing website

Rates for this CRM services include Personal Services for deployment which can come via Common Policy or via vendor services.  OIT has a master contract with Salesforce for platform licensing at a significant price reduction.