Focus Areas
Colorado Standing Committee on
First Responder Safety
One Scene. One Culture. Save Lives.
Improving First Responder Safety
The CSCFRS is committed to protecting Colorado citizens while providing the utmost care regarding the law. In an effort to provide optimum service, CSCFRS has developed the following areas of focus to offer continued improvement related to responder safety.
Training & Operations
Establish and fund a permanent, multi-disciplinary standing committee responsible for executing these recommendations.
Evaluate and review the training methodology for routine based activities. These include traffic stops, crash investigation, medical call, towing and recovery, debris removal, driving to call for service and emergency response.
Develop a multi-disciplinary training subcommittee that uses data based analysis for the ongoing coordination of first responder and scene safety training.
Develop and implement standardized training approaches for all first responders and scene safety. This includes shared and coordinated nomenclature, common scene/incident objectives, and communication and prioritization of incident objectives.
Execute all enforcement, maintenance, and response/mitigation activities in a manner that minimizes responder exposure to active traffic.
Develop a unified, multi-disciplinary readiness philosophy for operating in the roadway environment.
Infuse common, multi-disciplinary culture with personal accountability.
Policy & Procedures
Formalize agency commitments to “Quick Clearance” practices.
Work away from traffic exposures.
Request traffic control support from public works agencies for extended work near active traffic.
Develop a communication plan that creates social norming and prioritizes first responder safety.
Develop a “Move Over” Campaign Kit.
Create a responder and partner communication plan.
Develop an implementation plan to improve existing operating conditions, where needed most, around Colorado.
Consider first responders specifically as users within the framework of project development, planning and design.
Update existing installations in the course of routine maintenance where first responder safety can be improved.
Provide drivers with automated messaging of responder activities ahead via existing devices and technologies.
Expand driver notification, collision avoidance, and traffic management opportunities for high speed, high risk locations.
Promote development of intrusion alert systems for first responder vehicles and encourage continued development of new technologies, including collision avoidance systems, for all vehicles.