TIM Track
Colorado's Hands-On TIM Training Center
The TIM Track supports the development of effective TIM tactics that contribute to:
Safe and quick clearance of traffic
Improving first responder and motorist safety
Reducing travel delays following crashes and other incidents
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Dedicated to Highway First Responders
The Colorado Traffic Incident Management (TIM) Track was officially opened on April 5, 2018. This was the result of efforts by the Colorado State Patrol, Colorado Department of Transportation, Douglas County, and other Colorado agencies working to develop effective programs to support training of traffic incident management.
This is the second such facility in the United States dedicated to providing hands-on training in a realistic and full-scale setting for first responders. Prior to this, most training was conducted online or in a classroom, but rarely beyond a tabletop exercise with matchbox vehicles.
This dedicated center replicates a concrete interstate and other highway segments, it will further equip first responders with the skills and training they need to safely clear incidents from the roadway.
“Partnering with Douglas County and the State Patrol is another excellent example of how we can pool our respective resources to improve highway safety. As our roadways continue to get more crowded, it’s imperative that our first responders have the best level of training available. These various partnerships allowed us to build this training center, helping us to meet the traffic challenges of today and tomorrow."
-CDOT Executive Director Michael Lewis
During the 2018 opening ceremony, the TIM Track was dedicated to all of Colorado’s first responders. Memorial plaques were presented to the families of CSP Troopers Jaimie Jursevics and Cody Donahue, honoring their service and sacrifice to the citizens of Colorado. Both were hit and killed by vehicles during traffic stops on I-25 in Douglas County.
The country’s first full-scale TIM facility was constructed in 2014 in Nashville, TN. Colorado used this example and lesson’s learned during planning for this facility.
"The $1.5 million center, in northern Douglas County, is the first TIM training area constructed with concrete, which requires less maintenance than asphalt. First responders will be able to practice tactics like pushing, up-righting and towing vehicles without damaging the pavement. In addition, it will allow them to practice tactics and strategies that improve safety, and minimize their exposure to traffic hazards when responding to crashes or other incidents.
On behalf of the Board of Douglas County Commissioners, it is our great honor to play a role in the birth of this new TIM training facility, in support of first responders who willingly put themselves in harm’s way to protect and serve others."
-Douglas County Commissioner Roger Partridge
Responder Facts
Responder lives remain at risk every minute they are on an incident scene. For every minute the primary incident continues to be a hazard, the likelihood of a secondary crash increases by 2.8 percent.
Nationally, approximately five firefighters, 12 law enforcement officers, and over 50 towing operators are killed each year responding to normal traffic incidents. Additionally, a highway worker is struck and killed every three days in work zones across the nation.
Federal statistics show up to 25 percent of all traffic incidents are secondary crashes, frequently due to queuing caused by the primary incident. Secondary crashes are estimated to cause 18 percent—nearly one in five—of all fatalities on freeways, including first responders.
Traffic incidents are the single greatest cause of unexpected delays. For every minute a freeway travel lane is blocked during peak periods, it delays traffic about four minutes.