Virtual Global Kickoff

Virtual Kickoff

In Virtual Kickoff (VKO) you will meet your global partner teams for the first time. This is your chance to not only get to know your global partners, but also begin preparing for your first prototypes and convergence in the Fall quarter.

During VKO, we would like each team to have at least 3 video conferences over the course of VKO for a total of 4-5 hours. You will be initiating contact with your partner teams, introducing yourselves, doing some fun & productive activities and together - participating with your corporate liaisons in an introductory meeting. Together with your global teammates, you will also establish plans for regular communications and collaboration for the rest of the quarter. 

Dates and Deliverables

PREPARATIONS for Meeting #1

Before you meet with your global teams for the first time, there are a few tasks you should get started on within your school team.

1. [for STANFORD teams] Establish contact:

Contact your global partners 

2. Create a Team Home Page: 

Create an initial draft of your Project's HomePage before Meeting 1.

3. [for STANFORD teams] Assign Team Roles: 

Past teams have also found it helpful to assign roles within their school teams. Document any roles that you assign on your Project Team Home Page. Here are roles that teams have typically used:

These roles can rotate -- it is suggested that roles be maintained for durations of at least a quarter. If there are changes, please remember to update this information on your Project Team Home Page.

AGENDA for Meeting #1: Introductions and Expectations (1 - 2 hours)

Due: as soon as possible - based on schedule and what works for your global team

1. Live introductions:

Each team member should introduce themselves

Each team should prepare a "Day-in-the-life" presentation, so that your collaborating global partner team can visualize what your day to day life is like. 

Any format is welcome (a slide deck, a video, etc) as long as it includes photos or videos.
Some suggestions for what to include are:

Reflect on and take note of the dimensions and how your global team is like or different than your own (similarity-diversity factors)

2. Joint discussion: (action items)

For meeting #1 itself, please take advantage of the outline in this Introductions and Expectations Slide Deck.
By the end of the deck, make sure your team has:

PREPARATIONS for Meeting #2:

To Do Before Meeting #2:

1. Corporate Context: make an updated Corporate Context Report. You should review and build upon (as needed) the handouts made during the mission. Eventually, you will repurpose this information for your Final Documentation. It is likely that you have already learned more about Corporate Context than the previous teams who started exploring it.

2. User Personas: create a first draft edition of your user personas (physical & digital representations). This is a start -- you will share the digital version with your global partners and refine them throughout the course as we learn more.

3. [for Stanford teams] Set up your team's loft space: Customize your teams' "startup incubator" space (i.e., signage and decorations) for comfort and efficiency! It will be your ME310 home base for your team & prototyping activities.

AGENDA for Meeting #2: Explorations (1 - 2 hours)

1. Fun

Each team member should bring a favorite meal or food to eat at meeting #2. 

Each attending global Teaching Team member would present their own Pecha Kucha

2. Project-focused Explorations: (action items):

In meeting #2 you will enter the exploratory phase of VKO. In this meeting between global and local teams, you should:

(supplementary) AGENDA for  Meeting #2 (time permitting, or schedule for follow-up later)

Discussions to help develop foundations for teammate empathy.

1. (suggested) additional team-building conversation topics


PREPARATIONS for Meeting #3 with your liaison:

To Do Before Meeting #3:

1. As a global team, confirm meeting arrangements with your corporate liaison(s)

2. Prepare slides to:

AGENDA for Meeting #3 with your liaison: Productive (1 hour)

Finally, in your third meeting, you will really try to get into how you will proceed for the rest of the quarter and beyond. 

In this meeting you should: