Mission 5: Internet of Things and Integration

To kick off the winter quarter we have a new warmup project for 2023-24: IoT & Integration. It builds upon previous ME310 mechatronics events (e.g. Paper Robot). Over half of ME310 final projects involve some elements of "Internet of Things" technology. Moreover, this technology is mostly not covered in other mechatronics courses. So, we introduce some tutorials and challenges that focus, increasingly, on integration. 

For all of the elements below, due dates and links to the necessary information are also on the ME310B Canvas site.

Pre-Quiz due Jan 9

Start Here! We will use this information to plan the tutorials. We want to understand where everybody is in terms of microprocessor familiarity.

This is done as an individual assignment on Canvas so that we can keep track of everything. It will be a review for some students; they should help coach their classmates! Due Jan 14

Jan 9th Lecture Slides

Part B - Introduction to WiFi communication with ESP8266

How to send/receive from HTTP server, etc. -- This is done in teams of two, which do not need to come from the same project team. Again, you will upload results to Canvas so we can keep track.  Due Jan 19

Part C is done by teams of two and then (part D) by the entire class. Suppose you have many devices. How do you orchestrate them to keep track of who is publishing and receiving various kinds of information? Due Jan 19

This will be an in-class demonstration with everyone’s ESP8266 participating together, all at the same time. This will be the Grand Finale, a sort of IOT Jam Session. Due Jan 23