Winter Presentation Guidelines


We, the ME310 teaching team, expect a succinct and clearly visualized (with annotation) representation of your thinking and doing during Winter Quarter. Clearly community to outsiders and especially your corporate client team: 1) what you did; 2) why you did it; and 3) what you learned from doing it.

Engage all team members, local and distant, in the creation of the brochure and in the final presentation. Let the world see and appreciate your creative productivity at the Winter Presentations on Thu.16.Mar.



The main objective of the presentation is to state what your final product will be and why. This is a point of convergence--clearly state what your product will be and give an overview of your development process. The complete presentation should include:

A more detailed Template suggested for the winter presentation (this may not work for everybody)


The model for this quarter's presentation is that you have a little design startup company and you are giving a semi-formal briefing to your technical advisory board and a client who has supported your work thus far.

In Fall Quarter, you wanted to convince the audience that you had done great benchmarking and need-finding, so you understood the problem space and you had some cool ideas. Basically, you had a sound proposal and intriguing ideas for going forward.

For the Winter Quarter Final Presentation, you want to convince the audience that you really know what you are doing. They should come away with (i) a clear idea of what you will produce in June and (ii) confidence that you have the means to get there. They want to be confident that what you show in June will be suitable for presentation to upper management, venture capitalists, etc. It will be "believable" and credible as well as cool.