Housing on/near Campus

Housing in and around Stanford can be very expensive, but there some good opportunities out there if you know where to look. The best advice I can give is: look often and act early. Here are some resources for finding affordable housing during our beautiful California Summer:

Finding Off-Campus Housing

  • SUPost- Check for listings of available apartments and roommate requests that are posted here by members of the Stanford community.
  • Craigslist- Find listings for apartments and roommate requests that are outside of the Stanford community.
  • Facebook- Check groups that are dedicated to housing in the Bay Area. For example, “Bay Area Recent Grads Housing” will feature housing for new grads and those seeking summer housing alike.
  • Check with your internship to see if there is any organized effort to help interns find housing either with other interns or just in the Bay Area.
  • Check with older students to see where they lived previously and get up-to-date tips.

Live On Campus Over the Summer

Many students find it frustrating to try to live off campus over the summer and decide to live in housing set aside for undergraduates over the summer. Housing for undergraduates over the summer will require either an 8-week or a 10-week contract. Students are also required to buy a meal plan if you are living in a residence hall. If you get Mirrielees you are not obligated to buy a meal plan and will have access to a kitchen and pay for your own food (which is usually much cheaper). You can find a breakdown of cost depending on the contract and meal plan you select.

If you any encounter any issues or broken links email stanfordfliguide@gmail.com