Stanford Opportunity Fund

Following our advice and living on a budget will assist you as you navigate your time at Stanford University; however, there might still be emergency costs that you can’t plan for. It is for these situations that the Diversity and First Gen Office’s Opportunity Fund was started. Here’s an easy breakdown of what is and isn’t covered by the fund:

Types of expenses generally covered by the fund:

  • Travel costs related to a death or illness
  • Assistance with household expenses due to an emergency situation.
  • Medical emergencies that are not covered by Financial Aid Office
  • Attending student conferences
  • Expenses associated with parent/guardian/family attendance at major campus events.
  • Expenses associated with preparation for graduate/professional school admission exams.

Types of expenses generally not covered by the fund:

  • Tuition or fees
  • Health insurance
  • Study abroad costs
  • Expenses which are standard considerations through the Financial Aid Office.

To apply for aid from the Opportunity Fund, click the following hyperlink:

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