Purchasing Technology

While there are many computers available for anyone to use around campus (in libraries, residences, and many community centers), most students choose to have their own on campus. Buying a computer can be intimidating based on cost alone, without even taking into account trying to figure out how to pick the best computer. It is impossible to say in this section what is the right computer for each of you. However, what is possible is to provide access to resources that can help:


Start here to get a sense of what type of computer is necessary at Stanford University.


Stanford has a partnership with Lenovo(IBM), Apple, and Dell. There are discounts that are available via the Cardinal Tech Center.

Outside Vendors

Check prices online at stores like Staples, Bestbuy, Walmart, and Target. Most stores might not offer specific student discounts, but they frequently have back-to-school sales that will have discounts on laptops/computers.

Access to Software

Stanford offers free and discounted software for University affiliates to download and use. A complete list of software is available for free can be found at https://uit.stanford.edu/service/softwarelic/list. To find out if software is discounted, you can search for it on this page: http://web.stanford.edu/dept/its/cgi-bin/services/software/portal/.

Computer Loan

The Financial Aid Office offers a special loan program for buying computers. There are also adjustments that can be made to your aid letter depending on outside scholarships you might have received. For full details see this form:http://financialaid.stanford.edu/pdf/computer_v2.pdf. Questions regarding this process should be directed towards the Financial Aid Office.

DGen Office Laptops

The DGen office has some loaner laptops that can be checked out for a quarter a time. Stop by the DGen office to see if there’s an available laptop for you to check out.

If you any encounter any issues or broken links email stanfordfliguide@gmail.com