Writing and Film
Instructor: Dr. Peterson
Grade Level: 11th & 12th
Graduation Requirement Fulfilled? Yes, English “Composition” elective.
Classrooom: uqxgfod
In this class, we seek to understand how films reach their audience. We will talk about technical aspects of film-making as well as the more creative aspects of screenplay writing, interpretations, and special effects. Throughout the course of the semester we will watch films in class and you will be expected to watch films outside of class. We will also watch excerpts or small sections of films to find examples of the different techniques that we are discussing.
Plan on reading chapters or sections of chapters of the film textbook.
Plan on viewing films in class and at home.
Plan on reviewing films that you watch—sometimes in writing, sometimes orally.
Plan on discussing how film-makers interpret a piece of writing.
Plan on doing projects and taking quizzes to show that you understand the concepts and ideas that are discussed in class.