EML Series


Dr. K. Murugesan 

ASP, EEE Department and 

SSN Tamil Club in-charge

Talk on : 

புத்தகம் என்னும் போதிமரம்



07-10-2022  (Friday) @ 10:00 a.m

Seminar Hall, EEE Department

Abstract of the talk:

Thiru. K.Murugesan, will share his experience on how he is inspired by Tamil literature, how he nurtured it and grew as a Tamil orator. He will also share on how he managed his profession, and passion of reading Tamil books, writing articles and successfully heading SSN Tamil club. His talk will inspire and motivate students and faculty members to continue their passion and help them to build their leadership skills.


Thiru Murugesan shared his experience of how he used every opportunity that he got right from his early ages, to enjoy and explore his passion on Tamil language. He stressed the significance of regular reading of books in enlightening and strengthening mind and soul.  He presented his own experiences of learning the techniques in different kinds of orations. His numerous references to the literature demonstrated the richness of the language and his scholarliness in it. He concluded the session by motivating the audience to be always associated with the books and ponder for answers to various questions by reading different books.