EML Series


Mr. Jose Rohan

Alumni - Mechanical Department

Talk on :

Growing a Book 101


12-03-2022 (Saturday) @ 10:00 am

Abstract of the talk:

Ideas are like seeds.

When you plant them, nurture them and let them grow, they turn into something beautiful, something lovely, a tree. And trees come in all sizes, some are small and some are massive. But at the end of the day, they all come from tiny seeds.

Ideas are like that too, they start tiny; and while some ideas produce normal outcomes, some end up changing the world. We’ll be talking about an idea that changed the world for me, about a seed that grew into a massive banyan tree. But more importantly, how I nurtured it and made sure it turned into one.

Enough of the cryptic talk, we’ll basically be discussing how I transformed an insane idea into my sci-fi novel “Utopian Madras & the herald of the Worlds”. Right from conception to the book release, from searching for a publisher to running campaigns and advertisements on social media for the book promotions. Be there to listen to my entire journey!!

Book Link: https://www.amazon.in/dp/163850573X/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_427Q258P0XQSQVCFZZEB


The lecture was delivered by Mr. Jose Rohan, Alumni, Department of Mechanical Engineering.

Jose started with his motive of writing a book that had picked the idea from SSN. He shared his initial works like creating cartoons, launching podcasts through which he delivered his creative ideas. By then, he rediscovered the sci-fi lead that compelled him to pen it as a book. He suggested the narration styles, pacing and the story structure to the audience. Jose explained the different forums through which the writings could be published and launched. He highlighted the best selling tips like deciding the title, dimensions, interior design and the copyright of the book. He stressed on the post-release marketing - opening the books for reviews in digital platforms as it gives more visibility to the work. He insisted that he could successfully launch his book because of the strong idea as a penning factor. Jose concluded by saying "As I could not find such a book, I authored one."