Sri Sivasubramaniya Nadar College of Engineering
(An Autonomous Institution affiliated to Anna University)
Rajiv Gandhi Salai, Kalavakkam – 603110
in association with
Institution’s Innovation Council (SSN – IIC 3.0)
Extra-Mural Lecture
The aim of Extra-Mural Lecture (EML) is to expose our students and faculty to a variety of Life skill-based topics that may go well beyond the usual curriculum. The EML sessions are planned to be in the form of lectures and discussions delivered by SSN faculty, students, and Alumni who have significantly achieved something beyond the ordinary, by pursuing their passionate hobbies and their out-of-the-box thinking approach. The series is expected to provide an opportunity to interact with diverse and best minds of contemporary interest, leading to motivational and thought-provoking discussions to enlighten us with possibilities.
Be ready to listen to achievers from among SSNites in varied fields like
Fine Arts
Event management
Code addicts
UPSC achievers and aspirants
Agriculture…. and many more