Digital Photo

Do you have lots of photography knowledge? A little bit? None at all? You're welcome here!

Digital photography is an entry level visual arts course that welcomes all skill levels. This course covers the history and evolution of photography, how a DSLR camera works and how to use it (off of the Auto setting! Yay!), the elements of art, composition, the exposure triangle, creative thinking and brainstorming, and the basics of editing in Adobe Photoshop!

Student Examples from 1st semester:

These photographs are some wonderful examples of the type of work you could create in this class. Students use DSLR cameras, which can be borrowed from the class. You may also bring your own camera if you're comfortable doing so.

Occasionaly camera phones are used. We generally try to stick to DSLR cameras so that we continue growing our comfort level with all of the settings that the digital single lens reflex camera provides us.

Student Examples from 2nd semester:

Second semester has the added layer of implenting Photoshop into our projects. Students will receive an Adobe license that they can use for the duration of the academic year. This software allows us make edits to our photos, make new contexts to our photos, and retouch distractions in our photos.

You can see examples from the "Illustrated Lyrics Project" and the "Book Cover Project" here.

Critique: Critical Thinking & Observation

In digital photography we also spend a good deal of time critiquing photography.

Observing famous photographer's work, our classmates work, and our own with a critical eye makes us better photographers!