Advanced Art

Advanced Art is the stepping stone into AP Studio Art. Students work at a fast pace, focusing upon artistic intent and conceptual development. This year is for developing a “voice,” behind your works. Art 1 and 2 develop technique and media skill, while Advanced combines those elements and adds risk and experimentation. Students produce 10-12 pieces over the course of the year, all of which can be used toward their AP Portfolio development. Students experiment with mixed media collage, abstraction, expressionism, design elements and expressive art styles. Students will complete daily observational drawings, in a series of sketchbook studies, and will participate in regular verbal and written critique of their works.

Artists can expect to demonstrate a mature understanding of the Elements of Art and the Principles of Design in a rigorous series of lessons. Students increasingly incorporate their own perspectives and style as they explore various media to produce substantial work. Art history and culture and aesthetic valuing form a significant part of the course. Students begin to build a portfolio as a preliminary step for AP Art. Assignments are based on the California Visual Art Standards.

*Students may waive into Advanced Art with teacher consent. Please see Mrs. Wengel for portfolio review.

Prerequisite: C or better in Art 1 and Art 2 or permission of instructor.