AP Studio Art

Welcome to Advanced Placement Studio Art

AP Studio Art is a year-long course with a portfolio based exam as the culminating product. Each AP Art student is on their own path, creating a body of work around one topic of their choice. The Sustained Investigation, or SI, develops over the year with guided input and feedback from the instructor and classmates. At the end of the year, the portfolios are sent to The National College Board and scored by a panel of judges. They are looking for high levels of technique and execution, depth of concept, a body of work unified by a central theme, experimentation, and the artist's process, as well as the artist's ability to write about their work in a succinct way, expressing their ideas.

Each artist has carefully curated their page displaying the work they have been creating and sharing a little bit about themselves and their ideas.

*Please note, some of the work is extremely personal and/or explicit or graphic in its nature. While we do not censor our student's art, we do encourage viewing with caution.