Cheyanne Lough

Hello. My name is Cheyanne Lough and I am a senior in AP art. I have been taking art all four years of high school and absolutley love it. Next year I will be attending FIDM (fashion institute) with a major in fashion design. However, my focus for this year was not fashion, but rather the 60s with a drawing portfolio. This year I was able to explore lots of different medias as well such as, painting, printmaking and collage.

My pieces focus on how history tends to repeat itself and how I compare this to the many parallel of today’s society and the 60s. With the BLM movement, protests and division among us as a country I think these are very real problems both then and today. I hope to not only compare them, but also somehow unite them through my art.

I love to explore history through art and I think the 60s was such a fascinating and complex time. There were so many different elements within it like: the space era, housewives and hippies. I love to combine these different elements within my work in order to somehow connect or unite them. Note all pieces below seem quite as clear that it is the 60s, but there are suddelties with all of them like colors or patterns.