This section contains health and safety resources you may find helpful, and has been updated to include Judo Canada's Return to Judo plan.

Although judo remains one of the safest contact sports, injuries can happen. Preventative measures and taking care of any injuries will help you to stay healthy and return to the mats sooner.

Health and Safety

Rest assured that Team Judo Kai continues to have our members' health and safety as our top priority, as we always have. Check out the protocols we've adopted as recommended by Judo Canada, as well as our team's specific Covid-19 Return to Play plan here.

Covid 19 Return to Judo Resources

A Message from the CEO of Judo Canada
Return to Judo guidelines
Disinfection and Cleaning
Class Session Content Phases 1 & 2

Team Judo Kai's Return to Play Plan

Team Judo Kai Return To Play.doc

Additional Resources

Concussion-information-JC_EN_2013 (1).pdf