Team Judo Kai is dedicated to teaching the principles, values and techniques of Kodokan Judo. Our coaches are all competition tested, and NCCP certified with many years of experience. Come try “The Gentle Way” with us.

- Sensei Mike Lavoie

Sensei Mike Lavoie: Mike, one of the founders of Spryfield Judo Kai and Dartmouth Judo Kai, is a dedicated Judoka who has competed extensively throughout his relatively short 17 years in Judo. Holding the rank of Shodan (Black Belt), Mike is a certified NCCP coach and currently holds 6th place in his division in World Veterans' Judo. Mike credits Judo with “quite literally saving my life”. Starting at age 30, Mike was a 300lb smoker on the fast track to heart disease. Now Sensei Mike spends his time spreading the values and principles of the Judo lifestyle.

Sensei Abbi McCoullough – Abbi McCoullough is a 20 year old Shodan (first degree Black Belt) who has been a member of Nova Scotia's high Performance Judo team. “I like judo because we have a community unlike any other sport that I've experienced, it's such a friendly sport, you make friends with people from all over Canada, all over the world even. Also, it's a great distraction, as soon as I walk on the mats, no matter how bad my day was, everything goes away for a while, all the problems in my world disappear.”

Abbi McCullough

Sensei Guy Eastabrook Sensei Nick MacFarlane Coach Chris Cormier

Sensei Guy Eastabrook

Sensei Nick MacFarlane

Sensei Guy Eastabrook Sensei Nick MacFarlane Coach Chris Cormier