Inquiry in FDK
It is important to S L O W D O W N to take time to listen and observe, in an “inquiry stance” - The Kindergarten Program, 2016, p. 38
provoking learning,
noticing and naming children’s learning
Noticing and Naming the Learning (Assessment for, as) and Communication of Learning
Exploring the science of mixing colours.
Outdoor exploration
Outdoor exploration happens everyday for a min 4 times. Feeling, hearing, smelling, touching, and seeing the seasons change. We explore with many tools and songs.
Learning and playing with letters opens a child's mind to reading and writing. Playing with letters we learn and realize that these lines make different shapes which are letters. When we put letters together we make words and words into sentences.
In the hub we have been playing with the code-a-piller. Alining directional demands programs the code-a-piller to go the way we want it to go.