Photo Gallery


Project Activities

P1 - Introduction of the project

In SZeŠ a SOŠ Poděbrady, Czech Republic

P2-Preparation of Erasmus+ corner

In Büyükkalecik, Afyonkarahisar, Türkiye

P3-Adorning classrooms, hallways, stairs and a school

garden with different kinds of material

In Büyükkalecik, Afyonkarahisar, Türkiye

P4-Street Survey

In Büyükkalecik, Afyonkarahisar, Türkiye

P5 - Tolerance and Empathy Day

In SZeS a SOS Podebrady, Czech Republic

In Büyükkalecik, Afyonkarahisar, Türkiye

P6-Making a time capsule

In Büyükkalecik, Afyonkarahisar, Türkiye

P7-Preparing games

In Büyükkalecik, Afyonkarahisar, Türkiye

P8-Organizing Erasmus+ Day

In Büyükkalecik, Afyonkarahisar, Türkiye

P9-Sports Tournament at School

In Büyükkalecik, Afyonkarahisar, Türkiye

P-12 Preparing a drama-play

In Büyükkalecik, Afyonkarahisar, Türkiye

P-15 Poems, short stories or songs contest about

feelings at school

In Büyükkalecik, Afyonkarahisar, Türkiye

P-19 Survey at School

In Büyükkalecik, Afyonkarahisar, Türkiye

P2-Preparation of Erasmus+ corner

Çorum / Mehmetçik Anatolian High School

P3-Adorning classrooms, hallways, stairs and a school

garden with different kinds of material


P9-Sports Tournament at School


‎Secil kişisinden video


IES Playa San Juan

Spain - P19 The survey & P6- Making a time capsule

At the end of the 2020-2021 school year, a big survey was applayed to our youngest students (1º ESO) who were finishing their first year at school, also a very tough year because although the schools were open in Spain, they were extremely difficult months due to the circumstances created by the COVID 19 pandemic. 6 groups of students, about one hundred pupils in all, from the first year of Secondary Education (12 years old) participated. They will be within the school for several years and were the ideal participants to express their opinions, ideas and needs in our school for their future.

These activities took place over a week with the different groups, where we combined games about the project, we gave them information about the Erasmus activities in their classrooms and we gave great importance to outdoor outings, a need that was more important than ever for the students.

Once the results were examined and the students readed and put in them in common, they prepared their Time Capsules (one for group), with their ideas. Capsules will be open when they reach the 4th ESO year, the last one for the Spanish Compulsory Secondary Education (16 years old).

At this time, boys and girls have also given more importance to personal aspects and emotions than to spaces at school. They want and talk about spending more time with their teachers, being with their close friends, going out more, extracurricular activities have been prohibited for months, etc.

At that time, their lifes were very marked by their experiences during the pandemic. They expressed positive and also negative feelings in order to better understand their experiences and check that they shared them with their peers.

Spain - P18 Presenting materials

At the end of each school year, the entire school community is informed of the extracurricular activities and the Erasmus + projects that the center carries out each year. This information is extended to families and at the closing meeting of the teaching staff by the deputy director of the center, with all the teaching staff present, 104 teachers this year. Works, videos, photos, etc. are displayed.

Spain - P17 Designing classrooms

As a result of the information collected from the surveys carried out on the 1st ESO groups, later, the school management staff was informed about the ideas and opinions of the younger students for their classrooms in the following years. The classrooms of our school are usually decorated by their occupants each school year. We have had difficulties due to the legal obligations dictated by the educational authorities and derived from the situation created by the COVID 19 Pandemic relating the spaces. Even in the last year 2021-2022, the rules on distance between people, etc., have been respected.

In the school, in addition to its free spaces, playgrounds, open space, etc., we have a garden that the teachers use as a classroom and its use has been carefully organized and full of activity.

Spain - P15 Poems, short stories or songs contest about feelings at school

The 3rd ESO groups of the subject of Music developed a class project, and participated in a poetry and lyrics contest about their experiences and concerns in the form of RAP, creating their own music. The winning theme was "Important Rap".

Spain - P9 Sport tournaments at school

Spain - P3 Adorning classrooms, exhibitions.

Spain - P2 Erasmus + Corner, Project Logo Contest

Teams presentations

ÇORUM "Turkish traditional games"

2 ÇORUM turkish traditional games.pptx

CZECH REPUBLIC "Popular games in our country"

Presentation_popular games_Czech Republic