About project

About project

'Education means learning to think for yourself, learning to make and repair friendships, learning to see other people's points of view, learning not to be frightened of uncertainty or difficulty. Unfortunately, the system, whether it is in a free school, an academy or a comprehensive school, seems to comprehensively neglect the development of those qualities in the obsession with test results and clichéd environment.' (Claxton, G., 2011).

Let's accept classrooms now in most schools are the same as 100 years ago. This truth becomes more visible when we ask students and parents how they can define the school, or what the school means to them.80% of them, a pretty high rate, are saying it is tedious for them and also for their teachers. The rest 20% of them are saying a school is a nice place not during the classes and evaluations but the moment for a break. So why not break up this belief? Or why not go to a lecture theatre, and have a really exciting lecture with students? It is sure that this type of learning will be more exciting for both students and teachers. And that requires something very different, decorating education.

Our project's aim is to:

-Raise awareness about the importance of education,

-Raise standards of teaching and learning in schools,

-Create a more desirable school environment,

-Develop positive attitudes towards school environment,

-Be involved in learning in its broadest sense, beyond the classroom and formal curriculum,

-Enable people to be global citizens in terms of moral values such as tolerance and diversity respect,

-Support life-long learning,

-Minimize Early School Leaving (ESL)

-Strengthen communication between cultures and nations,

-Enable participants to share good- education exercises,

-Strengthen relations with European schools,

-Increase language competence


-Encourage critical and innovative thinking,

-Encourage teachers to improve their teaching competences and skills

-Encourage teachers to take part in new learning experiences,

-Develop teachers' enthusiasms and talents,

-Improve communication skills and self-motivation

-Promote European citizenship among students and teacher.


-Have them value the school

-Increase willingness to attend the school

-Increase taste for learning new things,

-Encourage critical and innovative thinking,

-Have them work together and collaborate,

-Motivate them to their potential in the face of learning difficulties,

-Help them develop their extra-curricular interests and abilities,

-Have them participation and achievements recognized,

-Increase their motivation, confidence, self-esteem, and aspirations to succeed,

-Encourage them to take part in new learning experiences,

-Enrich their childhood years,

-Develop their enthusiasms and talents,

-Open the way to new opportunities, adventures, and possibly even future careers,

-Increase their responsibility for learning,

-Enable to understand other countries' cultures and respect them,

-Enable them to work and produce together with other partner countries' students in cooperation,

-Enable them to express and share their feelings or opinions in their native and in foreign languages,

-Enable to obtain how to learn