Career management platforms

Career management platforms are online platforms that support users to track and manage their career development and/or build their employability. 

Developing learners' essential skills supports learners to develop their employability, which is part of (and does not equate to) a learner's careers education.

Using the Skills Builder approach to develop skills through your career management platform

Amongst other things, some career management platforms have provided a space for users to track and gather evidence of their essential skill development.  Skill development is part of a picture that builds an individual's wider employability.

On the platform, an individual can:

In this case, the Universal Framework supports more targeted and accurate reflections, and individuals are supported to be more specific in the way they document their skills.

The evidence bank users create can be used to support them to put together a CV and/or prepare for an interview. In a school/college setting, the evidence bank is also a way for teachers to show how they meet the Gatsby Benchmarks.

Achieving an impact level for a career management platform

It is possible for a career management platform to achieve impact level 4. Below you will find actions to help you work towards achieving impact levels 1-4

You can read more about the impact levels and the directory here.

Impact Level 1: Raising awareness of essential skills


You may want to link the skills to Labour Market Information/other careers content (e.g. why the skills are important in different jobs/sectors), for contextualisation.

Impact Level 2: Reflecting on essential skills

Follow the guidance to achieve impact level 1, plus:


Support users to document specific examples of when they've applied their skills. Some platforms encourage users to add activities, and tag the activities with a skill they've applied..

Impact Level 3: Practising essential skills

Follow the guidance to achieve impact level 1 and 2, plus:

Impact Level 4: Progressing in essential skills

Follow the guidance to achieve impact levels 1, 2, and 3, plus:

We'd need to see evidence that you are tracking progress in at least 1 of the skills. 

Supporting Resources

For a refresher on all the tools/resources mentioned below, see here.

Introduce the Universal Framework to users. It’s important that users take time to get to know what the essential skills are, their definitions, and what 'good' looks like for each skill.

Use the skill steps of the Universal Framework to provide structure to users' reflections.

Embed the reflection questions in the 'Build It' section of each skill step to scaffold individuals' reflections.

Signpost Benchmark for users to complete self assessments and build a picture of their strengths and areas for development.

Signpost Launchpad for users to learn more about and practise their essential skills.

Signpost the Hub to any facilitator users of the platform (where they can find teaching resources, and a group-level assessment tool).

You may want to add resources such as the reflective log or skills based CV Guide to the pltform for users to complete.

Scaffold users' reflections/assessments further by breaking down the skill steps, incorporating the expanded framework.

Use our videos to introduce to users the skills and/or specific steps they will be reflecting on and/or practising.

Drop these picture files of the eight essential skill icons onto the platform to support users to make a visual connection to the skills they may be developing in other areas.

Text Case Studies - Career Management Platforms