Technology Strategies

Gonzalez, J. (2020, March 30). Distance learning: A gently curated collection of resources for teachers. Cult of Pedagogy.

Jennifer Gonzalez creates a great start to switching to distance learning, especially if you feel it has been foisted upon you. The post covers emotional and psychological factors that affect teachers, the nuts and bolts of using tech in distance learning, general advice from teachers who have used these things, and troubleshooting some common problems in online learning. Available as a blog post or a podcast version.

Bell, K. & Duckworth, S. (2018, March 20). My top 20 tech tips for teachers. Shake Up Learning.

There are a lot of tips for educators to keep in mind to incorporate technology in their teaching. This set of twenty summarizes a lot of them, and it’s all in a nicely organized chart. The blog post explains each one in detail.

Cult of Pedagogy. (n.d.). Technology.

The blog Cult of Pedagogy has a technology section with news, new apps, and educational tech strategies that are incredibly useful. This is a site to check out every so often to see what’s new.

Howton, R. (2019). Turn your classroom into a personalized learning environment. ISTE. Retrieved from:

One teacher’s method to turning her classroom into personalized learning using technology for resources, formative assessment, and more.