Anti-Racist Education

Summary of anti-racist education as well as clear practices and actions to take to support anti-racist education.

Inoue, A.B. (2019). CCCC chair’s address: How do we language so people stop killing each other or what do we do about white language supremacy? CCC 71.2. Retrieved from:

This resource is the address from the Chair of the College Composition and Communication. Inoue addresses the need to become aware of White supremacy in our standards, practices, the very language we teach is acceptable, that we need to change so people stop killing each other in so many ways, and teach and accept the English of people of color.

Gupta, A. & Wallace, B. (n.d.). Justice in June. Retrieved from:

This is a reading/listening/watching plan to become an active ally to the black community. It provides plans in 10 minutes, 25 minutes, or 45 minutes a day. Recommended articles, videos, and books are listed in those increments.