
The Understood Team. (n.d.). The difference between the Every Student Succeeds Act and No Child Left Behind. Retrieved from:

This document is a chart comparing NCLB to ESSA. It clearly compares and contrasts the two federal education laws to provide an update on federal requirements for testing requirements and emphasis, school evaluation, and federal funding.

Karp, S. (2016). ESSA: NCLB repackaged. Rethinking Schools (30)3. Retrieved from:

Editorial on the updates to NCLB that ESSA creates, but concludes that the main issue of testing is not effectively changed to allow schools to improve.

Dirkx, K.J.H., Kester, L., & Kirschner, P. (2014). The Testing Effect for Learning Principles and Procedures from Texts, The Journal of Educational Research, 107:5, 357-364, DOI: 10.1080/00220671.2013.823370.

Research supporting the use of testing showed results in better retention of factual information and the application of acquired knowledge. The testing researched were average classroom tests.