Educational Theories

Educational theories form the backdrop of education and can guide the choices we make as educators. Some, like behaviorism and cognitivism, have dominated American education for decades, and after so much time we can see their failings. Overall, there is not one unifying theory of education, and that is only logical considering the diversity of human learning. I find it helpful to be knowledgeable as to how each can be helpful, and the weaknesses of each. Multiple intelligences, for example, is not to be conflated with learning styles which is a common misconception. Brain-based learning is useful in targeted ways. Critical pedagogy, anti-racist education, and culturally responsive education have greatly in need. Constructivist and humanist education theories are growing in popularity as we find the constraints of the current system are not working time and again. Although it might not be something educators will include in each and every lesson, these theories inform the choices educators make in the strategies, lessons, and resources we provide to students.