
Loertscher, D.V. & Zepnik, J. (2019). Coteaching revisited: The replication study. Teacher Librarian 47(1), 40-47.

This research study replicated an earlier study that explored coteaching experiences between classroom teachers and teacher librarians. Overall, participants communicated success with coteaching experiences, and the researcher provides suggestions for administrators, classroom teachers, and teacher librarians. In addition, the researchers also provide challenges encountered by coteachers.

This article lays out six types of coteaching with a helpful chart for each one listing what it looks like, benefits, challenges, and when to use it.

Marston, N. (n.d.) 6 steps to successful co-teaching. National Education Association.

This resource is lists great steps to get you started as a coteaching team.

Peery, A. (2017, February 5). Co-teaching: How to make it work. Cult of Pedagogy.

This resource lists tips to help create a successful coteaching partnership. The list involves actions to take, and mindsets that help create effective partnerships.

Kaplan, M. (2012, May 10). Collaborative team teaching: Challenges and rewards. Edutopia.

This resource lists a few more tips to help create coteaching partnerships, as well as a clear concise overview of co-teaching.

Terry, E. (February 8). 3 common coteaching challenges and how to overcome them. Teachers on Fire Magazine.

This article goes in depth with three common coteaching challenges with strategies to solve them. The author really makes you feel as if she understands teachers well.