Digital Equity

Ceres, P. (2020, August 7). A ‘covid slide’ could widen the digital divide for students. Wired.

This article delves into the difficulties of distance learning and why providing computer will help, it will not solve all issues.

Khanna, R. & Baldwin, T. (2020, July 10). We must invest in teachers to prevent COVID-19 from exacerbating the racial education divide. Time.

According to this article, 41% of districts will not be prepared to implement online learning. The authors call for massive funding and teacher professional development.

Halvorson, J. (2020, July 11). Chula Vista adopts plan to close digital divide. KUSI News.

Chula Vista knows exactly who is on the other side of the digital divide and is making plans to eliminate the digital divide for all of its residents by making sure every resident has “affordable access to high speed internet, as well as the skills and devices needed to use it”.

Silverman, D. (2020, July 29). Texas education, tech leaders team to close digital divide. Houston Chronicle.

Texas has a successful team working to close the digital divide by combining education, city, technology leaders with business connections. The result is $400 million of funding from school districts and state government used to buy computers and internet service.