Personalized, Self-Paced, and Self-Directed Learning

Personalized Learning

Wisconsin DPI- Resources. (2017, April 17).What is personalized learning? Youtube.

This video is a great introduction to personalized learning explaining its great potential.

Miller, A. (2019). 3 myths of personalized learning. Edutopia. Retrieved from:

Takeaways from this article is that technology is only a tool that can help and is not a key component, students can still work collaboratively in personalized learning, and involves self-pacing and self-motivation.

Playlist Building 101. (n.d.) Education Elements. Retrieved from:

This Google Doc was created by teachers and school leaders from the school district of Rochester, NH. The document lists the process and elements of building a playlist for personalized learning.

Self-Paced Learning

Gonzalez, J. (2015). Self-paced learning: How one teacher does it. Cult of Pedagogy. Retrieved from:

This blog post details the process of creating self-paced learning, and questions teachers often have concerning self-paced learning from the perspective of a Montessori elementary educator.

ReDesign is an educational business that sells curriculum and resources for teachers. On their page for self-paced learning resources, they point out key pitfalls to navigate in implementing self-paced learning: helping students to pace their own learning, and incorporating collaboration, academic discussion, and student interaction.

Self-Directed Learning

Hutton, P. (2014, November 20). What if students controlled their own learning? Youtube.

Peter Hutton, an Australian secondary school principal, describes his school’s process in transferring control of learning to students and how this affects his students.

Principles of humanistic education. (n.d.) SUNY Cortland. Retrieved from:

Summary of principles of humanistic education which are student self-direction of learning, students need to want and know how to learn, self-evaluation instead of testing, feelings are important in the learning process, and a nonthreatening environment is essential.

Centre for Teaching Excellence. (n.d.). Self-Directed learning: a four-step process. University of Waterloo. Retrieved from:

This resource goes into detailed step by step to create the process of self-directed learning.

Dickinson, K. (2018). 7 habits of the best self-directed learners. Retrieved from:

This article recommends best practices for self-directed learners: take ownership of learning, set SMART goals, use Benjamin Franklin’s five-hour rule, incorporate active learning, prioritize using the 80/20 rule on their study time, visit the library and employ your own motivation.