Special Session Programs

Special session graduate programs are funded solely through student tuition and do not receive any financial support from state funding. Special Session tuition is typically charged per unit which varies for each program and students do not pay campus mandatory fees. Therefore, they can not take advantage of SJSU student services such as student body organization, student health care, and recreational facilities. Special session students may serve as teaching assistants but are not eligible for fee waivers. Some special session programs allow students the flexibility of taking courses away from campus, and may enable students to vary their course load each semester.

Note that some departments offer both special session and regular session programs, and while the programs may be identical in coursework and program requirements, some but not all programs will allow switching between programs. Therefore, it is advisable for students to work with graduate advisors to determine which program best fits their needs. Special session programs are managed through the College of Professional and Global Educations with programs found in six disciplinary colleges. Please visit CPGE’s Special Sessions Programs web page for program information, admission, and fee/refund schedules.