Workshops and conferences (organised)

Русская классическая литература сегодня: испытания/вызовы мессианизма и массовой культуры [Russian classical literature today: the trials/challenges of messianism and mass culture], Sofia, 23-25 May 2013, together with Radostin Rusev and Hristo Manolakev

See the call on: ;

See the programme on:

Translating small literatures to the global market/ Проблемы перевода и выход малых литератур на мировой рынок/ Проблеми на превода и излазът на малките литератури на световния пазар, Sofia, 27 May 2013, together with Maya Gorcheva and Boris Minkov

See the call on:

Литературоведческая русистика сегодня: самосознание, геокультурная вариабельность, границы профессии [Studies in Russian literature: self-reflection, geo-cultural variability and the limits of vocation], Sofia, 21-23 May 2015, together with Galina Petkova, Joanna Piotrowska and Olga Bagdasaryan

See the call on: ; ;

From Christianisations and Islamisations to (Hetero)Europeanisations: Transformations of Cultural-Historical Heritage on the European Margins, Sofia, 31 March - 2 April 2016,

co-organised by Institute for Literature of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia (Yordan Lyutskanov), Dipartimento di Studi sull'Asia e sull'Africa Mediterranea of Ca' Foscari University of Venice (Gaga Shurgaia) and INALCO, Paris (Timour Muhidine), and with the kind personal involvement of Todor Hristov (Faculty of Slavic Philologies, Sofia University), Goran Sekulovski (St. Sergius Theological Orthodox Institute, Paris), Teodora Tsankova (Institute for Literature, BAS, Sofia),


Дмитрий Мережковский: литератор, религиозный философ, социальный экспериментатор [Dmitry Merezhkovsky: literateur, religious philosopher and social experimenter (dedicated to the 150th anniversary of his birth, 75th anniversary of his death and the 95th anniversary of his residence in Warsaw)], Warsaw, 21-23 April 2016,

co-organised by Institute of Intercultural and Special Communication of the University of Warsaw (Ludmila Lucewicz et al.) and Institute for Literature at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, see details on:

1917 г.: Литератор и литературовед: инженеры, свидетели, жертвы исторического рубежа / социального слома [1917: the man of letters and the literary scholar: engineers, witnesses and victims of a turning point in history and of a social breakdown]

co-organised by Institute for Literature of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia (Yordan Lyutskanov), Institute of Philology and Journalism of Tyumen State University (Alexander Medvedev) and Department of Humanities of University of Salerno (Giuseppina Giuliano), and with the kind personal involvement of Galina Petkova (Faculty of Slavic Philologies, Sofia University) and Olga Bagdasaryan (Institute of Philology, Culturology and Intercultural Communication, Urals State Pedagogical University, Yekaterinburg)

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