Comparative literature

Върху “престъпния душевен опит” у Достоевски: един руски и един немски поглед [On the “criminal experience of the soul” with Dostoevsky: a Russian and a German view [D. Merezhkovsky and T. Mann]] // (2003)

Миф об учителе и гениальном ученике в литературе раннего модернизма (русско-болгарские параллели) [The myth of the master and the genius pupil in the literature of early modernism (Russian-Bulgarian parallels)] // V International Symposium Contemporary Issues of Literary Criticism: Mithological Thinking, Folklore. European and Caucasian Experience: Dedicated to Vazha-Pshavela's 150-th Anniversary. Tbilisi: Institute of Literature Press, [2012], Volume I, pp. 271-281.

Introduction: Translating a Small Literature to the Global Market. The Bulgarian Case and Beyond // Studi Slavistici 11 (2014), 215-223.

Towards Paired Histories of Small Literatures, To Make Them Communicate // Studi Slavistici 11 (2014), 285-300.

О должной местосвязанности болгарской русистики, или Чем обязана болгарская русистика своему месторазвитию [On the necessitive place-boundness of Bulgarian studies in Russian literature and culture, Or what these studies owe to their place-development] // Toronto Slavic Quarterly 53 (Summer 2015), 70-91.

Переводная и критическая рецепция Дмитрия Мережковского в Болгарии (Приложение: Граф Маврикий Прозор – Дино Божкову, 1927; Мережковский – Божкову, 1927-1931; Божков о Мережковском, 1959 г.) [Translational and critical reception of Dmitry Merezhkovsky in Bulgaria (Appendix: Count Maurice Prozor to Dino Bozhkov, 1927; Merezhkovsky to Bozhkov, 1927-1931; Bozhkov about Merezhkovsky, 1959)] // Toronto Slavic Quarterly 57 (Summer 2016), 260-282, 282-300.

Блаженные спутники: монументальная уединенность, колебание, „классика” и „маньеризм” в в ранних русском и болгарском модернизмах [Blessed companions: monumental solitude, hesitation, "classics" and "mannerism" in the early Russian and Bulgarian modernisms] // Slavia 85 (2016), 1, 30-46.

(an early version of this study was presented as paper at the EAM "High and Low" conference in Poznan, September 2009)

Tradition, Individual Talent and the Inbetween: Vjacheslav Ivanov compared to T. S. Eliot // Sjani. Georgian Scientific Journal of Literary Theory and Comparative Literature, 17 (2016), 238-247.