Talks at conferences

Blessed Companions: Monumental Solitude in the Early Bulgarian and Russian Modernism // High and Low: Second bi-annual conference of the European Network for Avant-Garde and Modernism Studies (EAM), 9-11 September 2010, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland

Editing in 'Active' and in 'Passive' Voice // Texts worth editing: The seventh international conference of the European Society for Textual Scholarship, 25-27 November 2010, Pisa and Florence, Italy


Balkanism, self-colonisation, economy of gratitude, non-prestigious neighbours: Towards understanding (quasi)colonial experience in the wider Black Sea region as multilateral structure // Orientalism, Colonial Thinking and the Former Soviet Periphery: Exploring Bias and Stereotype Representations of Eastern and Central Europe, the Caucasus, and Central Asia, Vilnius, 27-29 August 2015, organiser: Centre of Oriental Studies, Vilnius State University, (p. 12, 46)

Дорожная проза Андрея Белого: ориентализм, экфрасис, банализация эпифании и Конца („Офейра”, „Африканский дневник”, „Ветер с Кавказа”, „Армения”) // Символизм и поэтика пространства в творчестве Андрея Белого, 1-3 December 2016, Monreale and Palermo, organisers: Claudia Criveller (University of Padova), Giuseppina Giuliano (University of Salerno), host: University of Palermo (Duccio Colombo)

Interliterary socialisation and marginal literatures (Redefining ‘world literature’) // American Comparative Literature Association Annual Meeting, Seminar B 90: “Worlding minor/small literatures”, organised by Cesar Dominguez and Yanli He, Utrecht, 6-9 July 2017, (p. 185)

Black Sea in the Works of Titsian Tabidze: Site of Overlapping Imperial Agendas // Black Sea as a literary and cultural space, Tbilisi, 25-27October 2018, Organizers: Professor Mzagho Dokhturishvili, Director of the Research Centre Romance Intercompherension. Intertextual Dialogue; Professor Bela Tsipuria, Director of Comparative Literature; Professor Zaal Andronikashvili, a research fellow at the ISU Institute of Social and Cultural Studies and the Center for Literary and Cultural Research in Berlin and Professor Alexis Nuselovici, leader of the ‘Transpositions’ group based at the Interdisciplinary Centre for Literature Study of the University of Aix-Marseille (France) (Laboratoire EA4235) and head of the ‘Exile and Migration’ Chair at the College of World Studies (Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, Paris), (p. 7/13).

Russian emigration to Bulgaria: between transformation, collocation and condescension // Transformed by emigration: Welcoming Russian intellectuals, scientists, and artists (1917 – 1945), organisers: Ivan Foletti and Adrien Palladino, Centre for Early Medieval Studies, Masaryk University, Brno, 11-13 February 2019,