A new journal and book series

In 2019-2020 I co-organised the conference "Black Sea as literary and cutural space (II): peoples and communities / La mer Noire comme espace littéraire et culturel (II): peuples et communautés", which was digitally hosted in Sofia in April 2021  (https://sites.google.com/view/blackseaesplit2sofia). 

During the work over the post-conference volume, an idea emerged about the launching of a journal and monograph series devoted to the (re)construction of a Black Sea space across humanities: "Transponticae", paper ISSN 2815-4266, an online version is due (https://sites.google.com/view/transponticae/home).  

The first paper volume of "Transponticae" was printed in April 2023: 

La mer Noire comme espace littéraire et culturel (II) / Black Sea as literary and cultural space (II). Sous la direction de / compiled and edited by Iordan Liutskanov, Eyüp Özveren, Mzago Dokhtourichvili, Alexis Nuselovici (Nouss). Sofia : Coopération Universitaire « Romanistika » ; Association « Transpontica », 2023 (ISBN (broché / softcover) : 978-954-354-009-9 ; 978-619-92370-0-7), XC+liii+576 p. (=Transponticae: Revue et collection d’études littéraire et culturelle sur la mer Noire / Journal and book series for Black Sea literary and cultural studies, ISSN (broché / softcover) 2815-4266, vol. I (2022-2023), no 1/4)

The first issue (a monographic one) of second volume  was published on paper in September 2023: 

Roxana Elena Doncu. Black Sea as a space of contrasts: from political death camp to communist tourist paradise. xii + 132 p. Sofia: CU Romanistika (ISBN 978-954-354-012-9, print); Transpontica (ISBN 978-619-92370-2-1, ISSN 2815-4266, print)

The second one is currently prepared for print, after being reviewed and amended / reworked.