* 58th Anniversary, Villa Eyrie and VI Motorsports, Aug 2018

Thanks mainly to the efforts of James Chuang, we were able to get together again a year after Las Vegas, and at quite a change in scenery. August of 2018 took us to the pristine mountains and waters of Vancouver, BC, at the beautiful resort of Villa Eyrie, near Malahat on Vancouver Island, overlooking the Saanich Inlet, and about 15 miles from Victoria. It took an effort to get there, but well worth the while.

Fourteen friends made the rendezvous.

Day0, Aug 4. Overland from Seattle to Richmond, BC.

Another highlight of the day is the Richmond Night Market..

Day1, Aug 5. Richmond get-together.

We met BC friends at Shi-Art, including several who would not be able to join us at Eyrie. Conversely, several friends from the US missed the dinner because they were routed directly to Vancouver Island (VI).

Day2, Aug 6. Ferry to Malahat. Check-in Villa Eyrie.

While the grounds and facilities at the villa are super, two points to keep in mind on future visits. The units are built along the hills and scattered, so access to certain units can be challenging. And the Vancouver sun in August can be quite warm, making certain units uncomfortable during parts of the day. This applies to the dining room as well.

Day3, Aug 7. VI Motorsports Circuit.

The jewel of our visit. James's brother made arrangements for us to spend half a day at this magnificent establishment, an eye-opener for most of us, and an enrichment even for the non-enthusiasts. After a brief orientation, we toured the stock room, equipment room, and were offered an opportunity to either ride one of sportscars of choice chauffeured (but at raceway speed) or DIY over a few laps around the course. A delightful lunch was also provided.

The evening was unplanned, and we wound up going as a group to a Chinese restaurant in downtown Victoria for dinner.

Day4, Aug 8. Recreational activities. Farewell dinner.

Independent activities, with several options. We tried fishing with the Cheungs who were old hands in this. Naturally, the result was quite satisfactory. Farewell dinner was at the resort that evening, during which we held a group phone call with Nang Wong. He wanted to join us badly, but his health did not allow. (Nang would leave us 3 months hence.)

Day5. Aug 9. Farewell to Canada.

We took the long ferry home, direct from Malahat (Sidney) to Anacortes (WA). A long ride but very peaceful and enjoyable; great sceneries.